The Magic is in the Actions You Take

For Your FREE
Hypnotic Screening

Your Success

Your success using self hypnosis relies on various variables. Your attendance at scheduled appointments, your attitude, your cooperation and your motivation are some of the many variables in your hypnosis success equations. There is no way to guarantee human behavior, therefore, Green Willow Self Hypnosis provides a fabulous service promise to you:


Irene Garcia

At Green Willow Self Hypnosis

At Green Willow Self Hypnosis, once your program is paid in full, the spectacular news is a no additional charge for your sessions regardless of how long it takes you to reach your original program goal. People are different, hence, the required time frame needed for personal goal attainment will vary.

Training period

Once your agreed training period is finished, Green Willow Self Hypnosis does provide. FREE SUPPORT Sessions as required until you have reached your original ACHIEVED GOAL. (note: sessions are one a month maximum)

More awesome news

If ever your habit or problem reoccurs and Green Willow Self Hypnosis is open for business, there is definitely no additional service charges.

Call Now!!

For your free hypnotic screening at 289-440-6762 to identify if hypnosis for is correct for you. We will answer all your questions. Call now for your free screening 289-440-6762